Who's getting it?

Marin general population, last 24 hours: 1,207 tests, 12 positive (* see note at end). A large increase in hospitalizations - I assume, but can't yet validate - that this is driven by transfers from San Quentin. There are now 23 hospitalized in county, up from 10 two days earlier. No deaths.

SQ reported 67 new cases, to a new total of 1,082 (up from 47 on the 18th June). The catastrophe there has attracted national attention - as it should.

Who gets COVID in Marin? The county HHS published cumulative statistics by age cohort, which I've reworked. It's interesting: the age mix has changed significantly over the four months of the pandemic here. In March: the over 65 age group had the highest number of positive tests. In June: the highest number was in the 19 to 34- year olds. Each month between shows a shift toward younger persons.

The two figures:
* The graph is 7-day averages by cohort (* see note)
* The table breaks down each month, and the bold outlined cells are where the majority of positive tests lie.

And, because tests have ramped up (nearly 31,000 as of today), it's the 19 to 34 year-olds with the highest number of cumulative tests, followed by the 35 to 49 year olds. (Hospitalizations and deaths are highly skewed to a much older set, of course.)

Note: the age demographic data AND the last 24 hour data from Marin HHS have anomalies. Example: the total listed for the past 24 hours is 12, but the Marin map update suggests at least 21. There are often lags in how data flows through.
