Marin county (* see note): 1,038 tests, 52 (!!!!!) cases - mostly in San Rafael (44) or Novato (7). One new death reported, the county's 19th. Hospitalizations remain at 23.
San Quentin: 53 new cases - SQ prison has about as many cumulative cases and new daily cases confirmed as the entire Marin general population.
Statewide - accelerating case counts - spiking to over 8,000 on each of Monday and Tuesday of this week - having first exceeded 4,000 cases / day on 18th June. 6,682 yesterday. Really.
Statewide deaths, meanwhile, average about 60 per day, declining slowly. This *seems* consistent with the idea of COVID spreading in younger cohorts that then don't get as horribly sick. HOWEVER: the number of confirmed + suspected COVID cases hospitalized throughout the state has also risen significantly in the past two weeks, from about 4,500 to about 6,500.
Note: the Marin HHS geographic data has become somewhat inconsistent. I omitted "other" / rest of county, because the numbers wouldn't add up. Sorry.
Sources: Marin HHS, LA Times