COVID new normal

Marin County counts seemed rather unreliable over and immediately after the 4th July holiday weekend, so I’ve omitted them here.

Marin County general population: 306 tested, 29 new cases. 31 now hospitalized - up 3, a new record high. 1 new death.

San Quentin: total shown today is 1,369 which is 9 lower than yesterday. SQ only logs active current cases, so this could mean recovery or some inmates were moved out of SQ. HOWEVER: SFist reports that 6 SQ inmates have died, and the last time I checked this number was just 1.

Graph shown is the 7-day moving average for the 9 Bay Area counties. As you can see: Marin, in green, now has about 44 new cases / day, compared to 12 / day about 6 weeks ago. The most rapid acceleration seems to be Santa Clara, which was about 17/day then, and is now over 150 / day. San Francisco was at 40 per day, now is 60.
Sources: Marin HHS, SFist (with data "corrected" to subtract SQ data from the Marin total). Marin data assumed accurate from 5th July (hospitalizations) or 6th (cases and fatalities).